Alert System

The Alert System has been established so that all cases of suspected misconduct are reported to Ceva Group.

Who Can Raise Concerns?

The Alert System is available to everyone working for or on behalf of Ceva Group. It is also open to any party to whom Ceva Group has or has had some type of business relationship (such as business partners, suppliers, shareholders, agents, distributors, representatives and customers), or any other third parties, who wish to raise a concern about possible misconduct within Ceva Group.

What Concerns are Covered by the Alert System?

The Alert System can be used to raise concerns about suspected misconduct, that is, any violation of the law, our Code or policies under which Ceva Group operates.
Do not use the Alert system to report concerns raising an immediate threat to life and/or property.

How to Raise Concerns?

Users of the Alert System must act in good faith and must not make deliberately false allegations when reporting a matter.
Any individual who deliberately makes false or misleading statements that are not in good faith may be subject to disciplinary action or appropriate legal action pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
You can share your concerns anonymously (where permitted by applicable law(s)). We do however encourage you to reveal your identity as it is difficult and in some cases impossible for us to fully investigate reports that are made anonymously.

All reporting is done confidentially. This means that information about your concern will only be shared with a limited number of people, on a need to know basis (i.e to the investigation team in order to conduct proper investigations). Your identity will not be disclosed to any person identified in your report or other individuals without your permission, unless required under applicable laws and regulations; confidentiality will not attach to a report filed in bad faith.

Retaliation by any employee of Ceva Group, and or by Ceva Group itself, directly or indirectly, against a person who, in good faith, submits a concern or provides assistance to those responsible for investigating the allegations will not be tolerated.

See the Alert System Procedure for more information.

To submit your report, please fill in the Alert Report Form.

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